Sunday, June 24, 2012

"Where's the Black Love...on TV?" (Blog Response)

Love is actually a sensitive topic itself.  One could ultimately challenge the question by simply saying does it truly exist anymore?  Or do we as human understand the true aspects of it?
Family Matter from the 90's

I think that over half of the world seen the premiere of Love & Hip Hop of Atlanta yesterday night.  I am also sure that bloggers all over the world are going crazy when blogging about the show.  The potentials of the show and characters are so unpredictable right now, that no one knows exactly what is to unfold.

But "Black Love...on TV?  Where has it went?  Honestly, if one could answer that question, they could probably tell the world why our society and communities have become the way that they are.  If I was forced to give an educated answer about why "Black Love" has taking the turn in which it has, I would simply reply, "the critics of the world".

The Cosby
What do I mean by "critics of the world"?  I mean the mainstream people (CEO's of Media Companies)  pulling all the strings on shows that will get them where they want to be socially and financially.  The people that have the power to shut down a show after one season because it is not producing enough ratings.  The same people that analyze things on the internet, the hardcore statistics of the media world, that know exactly what it takes to produce more money and more money.

On the other hand of things, you have the other critics (the audience) that sit at their perspective homes and view these specifics programs, producing numbers to keep the media broadcasting knowing and giving the world what is supposedly wanted.

Taking broadcasting companies, money, and media into one equation, then you have no choice but to produce what is wanted.  Thus leading us to a lot of drama of TV and the people that are simply ready to work to get to it.  I guess the real question here is, "Are these people really like this?"  Although, America's teenagers and young adults fill up their twitter pages talking about the very things that tear relationships and marriages apart on a daily basis.

After reading the blog "Where's the Black Love...on TV?" by Belle Monet, it forced me to look at the show from a different point-of-view.  Our youth and young adults of today's time that have not been exposed to the true meanings of love or what a real relationship looks like, get their examples from shows like this.  I can't knock it, because I think its funny and entertaining.  But to quote Belle Monet, "There's still hope, if people raise their children right" (Belle Monet, "Where's the Black Love...on TV?).

No Ring

Do you think that its safe to say that our women of these times are lost due to shows/media like Love & Hip Hop of Atlanta?  The particular question could go in so many different directions.

Belle Monet presents the question of "Do black women feel they have to settle for less to find love" (Belle Monet, Where's the Black Love...on TV?)?  I would like to go on record by saying no.  I believe that everyone will find their match at some point in time.  Women are like time bombs, so women timers are just longer than others.  The reason that I used "bomb" in this context is because, every bomb has a different effect.  So there will be women that can withstand a little more or a lot more for that sake that other women cannot.  I did not state that is was right, but what is the ultimate goal without some type of struggle.

Monet also asked, "Where have all the shows such as Family Matters, The Cosby Show, and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air went" (Belle Monet, Where's the Black Love...on TV?)?  Stating that there are no more shows to give black people a sense of what a happy mature family should look like.  Especially, with both parents in the household.

No disrespect, but for all the readers out there, does TV really have this much influence?

I was once told by a mentor in college that, "Every student looks up to someone at the university, regardless of rather its an athlete, Greek, or just a popular person. "  Forced me to think about the Athletes that walked around with their pants hanging off there behinds, the Greeks that had no respect out in public, and most of all the guys that dogged girls out on a daily basis.  So I guess that TV could have some type of influence, considering a small time college.  In all reality I guess that I have my mother and grandmother to think for this particular blog.

However, there are still guys out there that want to be married.  Guys that want to be connected to their significant other in more than one way.  Though it may seem as if the media has males and females acting a certain way because of what they see or think they know is right.  If one knows who they are on the inside, then its safe to know that they what is right for them.

Side Chicks

We've all had them or been them (Boyfriend #2) from a guy perspective.  Most of the time this is due to a comfort level.  Can't find what you want or exactly what you are looking for, so you settle for the next best thing.  Side people only become a problem when someone no longer knows their place because feelings have become deeply involved.

With Joseline, Stevie J's little side/rapper chic not knowing her place anymore because she allows herself to fall into a trap.  I guess America turns the cheek on her because even Belle Monet states, "Is she compromising herself to make it in the industry" (Belle Monet, "Where's the Black Love...on TV?)?  In correspondence to this question, I think that both males and females do somethings that they normally wouldn't do to make it.

All together though, all hope is not lost, there are still a "few good men" out there.  Just depends on how  you marketing yourself with getting one of them.  We often allow the wrong things to affect how we carry out certain things in our lives.  I think the media and especially shows like Love & Hip Hop of Atlanta should not dictate  how you handle your relationship or love ones.  Remember that its only TV and we all have to make a living some kind of way at the exposure of somebody.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Love and Hip Hop of Atlanta Episode 1

Love and Hip-Hop-Atlanta Episode 1:

Actually not looking forward to watching this show at all, I found myself sitting very tentatively with my cousin watching the first episode.  I must admit, for an opener, I can't wait until next Monday just to see what happens next.

However, in this season of Love and Hip-Hop, it almost seems as if there will be a transfer of the drama from the females to the males.

With Lil Scrappy showing a strong sign of having beef with Stevie J for the remainder of the show.  One could really ask themselves of who is this season really gone to be focused on.

Leading up the show, everyone was talking about Lil Scrappy this, Scrappy that and he was on the show for every bit of 10 minutes if that.  With that said, it seems as if the idea candidate for the star of this year season will definitely be Stevie J.

I mean look, take  him into consideration off the first episode.  The only thing that the audience is worried about is what he's gone to be doing next week and for the ladies, what's gone to be his woman reaction to the way that he is treating/acting towards her.

Taking into consideration the different aspect of men we have in today's society, entertainment, and sports lives, then its definitely not gone to be hard to figure out that this season will also be a success.  The people that have grown to love these type shows, feed off of the negative energy and the drama.  Those components alone give you a hit show.  And the premiere of this show has shown its audience that this is definitely what you will receive.

Some of the cast from this years season.
However, back to Stevie J, one could almost agree that he has set the tone for himself for the duration of the show.  He probably has about 50% of the guys in the world rooting for him and now thinking that they are Stevie J because they can somewhat relate. Then 30% of the world which would be the women that are totally against him with their "say so's" about how he is treating Mimi.  The other 20% are simply going with the flow of things. The people that overly excited about the drama in the show.

On Stevie J's behalf, if I had to make a personal call on the guy.  I would have to say that he is only putting on a show, because he is an entertainer first and foremost.  The guy knows where home is and dog's never stray to far home.  Again, he will be spending the remainder of the show trying to win Mimi back and prove that he is worthy of her love and respect.

Everyone else in this season will just fall in place.  Wait, hold up just a moment, I can't end this without talking about Mama Dee, "in that order".  Mama Dee will be one of those characters to surprise the world every single Monday because we (the audience) do not know what to expect on her behalf.  All I can say about her is standby.

With that said, I look forward to the next episode, as well as answering any responses to the blog about the show.  Stay tuned for the blog of episode two.


Friday, June 15, 2012

"Super Sigmas - Troy Sigmas Save 2 Elderly People from Car Crash"

This past weekend was suppose to be nothing but fun and more fun, as Mike and I journeyed the road to reach a specific destination.  The Atlanta Greek Picnic 2012, was the only thing on our minds, especially Mike with his driving.

Thought the drive was not that bad, especially after considering the people that we meet from Indiana, Seattle, and Tampa.  I must say, that Mike's driving was still crazy, burning up the road trying to reach our final stop for the night.

When I tell you that Mike that was driving with his foot in the floorboard.  He was literally driving so fast that I attempted to fastened my seatbelt after it was already connected.
Mile after mile I was simply hoping not to get pulled over by the cops.  I guess when they say, "don't think about the police or mention them because they will pop up," they really meant it.  As soon as I put my phone down from tweeting the homies that had already touched down in the city  we where about 40 miles out, the lights came on.

I just knew that we were about to get off.  Man we college students, on a way to a historical event, I know Mike can talk his way out of this one.  The Alabama State Trooper with Georgia Plates on his vehicle (yes, I know weird right) said, "Son do you know that you were going 88 in a 55?"  I immediately hung my head and said, "man he bout to give Mike a ticket."
I personally hated it for him, because paying tickets is a beast.  Seems that they are due right round the time when anther bill is due or you simply just don't got the money to pay for them.
As we both hung our heads due to this ticket spoiling the moment for the both of us and I honestly didn't have to deal with it.  The trooper sent us on our way and we slowly began back with our journey to Atlanta.

If I recall correctly, it wasn't even a good 10 miles that we went up the road.  Traffic was stopped for some odd reason as Mike broke his speed.  I look ahead to try and see what was going on and I seen a vehicle down, that was crashed very badly on the back passenger side of the vehicle.  The one thing that cause me to tell Mike to stop was because I seen pedestrians running across the street.  I immediately turned my head to the right to see a car upside down, crashed into a tree.

The Sigma Angel
The only thing that was going through my head was that, "something is wrong and we need to help Mike."  I then told Mike, "Pull over brah, those people need help!"   Mike pulled to the side of the road.  I jumped out, the bat mobile (That's what Mike calls his car) and ran/slide down the hill.  I started talking to the passengers of the crashed vehicle as the other by-stander that were helping was communicating with them as well.

The immediate problem that posed a threat towards myself as well as the passengers inside the crashed vehicle was that there was a hugh rock in front of the passenger side door.  I began to try and move it, taking lacerations to my hands and fingertips.  However, the rock was to heavy for me to move myself.  Mike standing still at the road trying desperately to contact 911, jumps down the hill to help me move the rock as we finally get it moved.

The pressure from the vehicle being upside down now becomes a problem as we are having problems breaking the windows because the doors are jammed.  The other by-stander remembers that he has some kind of steal beam inside of his vehicle.  As I continue to converse with the victims letting them know that we are about to get them out of the car.  Mike yells downs and tells us that, "paramedics and polices are on the way."

Once the by-stander returns, he breaks the front driver side window and I began to clear the glass from around the window.  We instruct the female victim that she will be the first to leave the vehicle.
Slowly but surely, we get her out and next the male.  Seeing that these people were elderly and no wounds, only scratches, this was truly the work of the man above himself.
Photos from the actual accident along Interstate I-20
North bound toward Atlanta, Georgia
The vehicle that the 2 elderly people drove was a Honda Accord.  So to Honda, whatever you all or doing for your vehicles to save lives, please continue to do so.

I witness this vehicle upside down, crashed into a tree and no one was ejected from the vehicle.  You can't ask for anything more from your car or from the good Lord.

Though I felt like a hero and that I had did something meaningful  on my way to Atlanta, my friend Mike was puzzled about the entire situation. He called his mom and everything. Brah said, "Man...I ain't never seen or been through nothing like that. How you handling yourself so well?"  I honestly didn't know how to reply as this is second hand to me.

Above all, everyone made it out of the situation alive and well.  And two Sigmas from the Alpha Alpha Lambda Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. stood tall for serving humanity.


***Mike is not the actual name of the Sigma from Troy.****