Friday, August 10, 2018

The Proposal #1

By: LaCheston Moore

I remember the night that the conversation was held.  The topic at hand was openly-dating and my skin crawled at the thought of you being interested in another man.  But what was ironic about the conversation is that I still had your attention.  My mind generated thoughts that feed directly to my feelings.  I could see well-off into the future, regardless of whether you could or not.  We had just shared our first real moment that sealed our forever-bond.  And what was revealed to me, may or may not come to pass.  But how could I sit on such a story and not allow it to bless someone walking the same lines that I have.

That night we talked about your children, especially your baby-boy.  I cringed for the moment to offer a finger and that he would one day grab and never let go.  Shortly after that conversation, the next thing that would happen, it absolutely caught me off-guard.  I was introduced to a man that had the key to my dreams and understood my vision without me giving him a visual at all.  We shared stories back and forth, the ups and down and trails that we both had been through.  How things haven’t always been exactly what we amounted them up to.  He gave me two things: the first was a point-of-contact to get some paperwork completed; and the second was an invitation to an all-white event. 

I really can’t explain the next thing that happens.  So please continue to read, because this may never happen.  Due to the information and invitation that I had just received.  My mindset fast-forwarded at least something that amounts to three. The all-white event that “we” would be attending would be the celebration and anniversary of the vision this guy helped put into passing.  But the one thing that he didn’t know was that this was the same night that “we” created our own magic.
Who's the mystery man though?

At this event, I saw him standing on a shining-glittering stage.  The air was crispy and filled with the aroma of cider from where the catering was staged.  Everyone showed-up and showed-out for the glorious occasion.   I was actually stuck in the moment, because I couldn’t believe that this was actually happening on the account of something that I created.  With my heart racing for a number of reasons, because my intentions on that night were pure as ice; and then all of a sudden, I hear that tap-testing of the mic.

I never foresaw myself at this event without you at my side.  But I repeatedly told myself, that it just couldn’t be you and I.  With my mind stuck in forward, I remember helping the boys tie their ties and then the next voice that I hear, is none-other than this guy:
“Thank you all for coming, I hope you have enjoyed yourselves thus far.  I don’t want to be before you long, so let’s keep this show on the road.  You know that we are all gathered tonight for the celebration and the success of this foundation.  But what would it have been without the mindset of someone with nothing but great expectations.  It has been a pleasure to work with this young-man from start to finish and now here to say a couple words, I give you.”

(Strong PAUSE after that last paragraph!  Take it all in now and here we go!)

What man wouldn't love to have a family to call his own?!
I’ll never forget the first couple of steps that I took walking towards the podium.  The feeling wasn’t right and I turned and looked over to you.  The way you looked me in my eyes, I knew that you were happy for me.  But the twinkle in your eyes, told me, that it was you and I, and I no longer had any worries.  I stopped in my tracks and extended my hand.  With the baby in your arms, you came towards me and I was then overwhelmed.  I always wanted a family and I always wanted to be successful.  I stood in front of hundreds of people for the first time without a worry.
Just because I love Princess Cut Rings

I took in a deep breathe, I sighed, and someone from the crowd said, “It’s alright!”  I looked over to you, the baby, and the kids one more time, put my lips up to the mic, and this is what came out: 
Come through for me girl, stop playing games, lol!
“For 5 years my foundation was nothing but a name.  I tried my best to make it work, but some things just wouldn’t change.  I’ll never forget the day that I actually signed the papers to make it all the way legit.  And since then, the Lord has blessed me with a presence of a backbone I can never forget.  Tonight cannot and will not be complete, unless I acknowledge my support system.  This lady standing beside me has been more than a blessing.  The exposure to her children has replenished my manhood.  The feeling of being wanted and needed in a loving environment is everything for anyone to adore.  I don’t think that any of this would have been possible, without your love, nurture and care, fueling me to keep the haters up-off-of-us. So yes this night belongs to the foundation, and yes this night belongs to me, but tonight is also our night and this is why I’m on one knee.”


Follow me via Instagram & Twitter: @LaCheston
Facebook: LaCheston Tyron Moore
SnapChat: La_Cheston 

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