Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Is Love Meant for Everyone

Alright audience, I got this homie right and I told him that I would not mention his name, but I was definitely gone to blog about him.

This past weekend, I went home to Brewton, Alabama to kick it with the lady and my classmates that I still deal with in what I call my 2nd hometown (Evergreen, Alabama is the first of course).  But man we threw a couple back and ate some good barbecue with my mom’s bake beans and potato salad and you know how people get when they get full of food and alcohol.  The first thing is they get hella lazy and then they get to talking and drunk talking is always true talking. 
Know I thank God that my mother is a down to earth woman that loves good conversation and can be outgoing at times to make my company feel at home and cool when they around (However, respect is a must, ya dig?!).  Because some of the stuff that was coming out of my homies mouth, I could not honestly believe that he was saying it.

Now I would like to state for the record as I always do throughout my post because the truth must be put out there to all my readers when considering the facts and statements throughout my post.  But ladies and gentlemen, when someone get hurts regardless of rather you are a male or female, it takes a toll on you and sometimes forces us to become someone that we are not.

Taking the given into consideration, I will elaborate more on my homeboy and his conversation that lead me to the conclusion that he is just a lonely person that has been hurt extremely in some way.  Not allowing love to be an option throughout the duration of his life.  However, at the end of it all is love really meant for him or meant for everyone at all.

When I was first exposed to a woman and the power that they possessed when it came to the bedroom, it was mind blowing.  Okay, okay, to the fellows, let’s not get it twisted early on in the post with thinking that I am opposing the power of a man in the bedroom.  Besides, what woman wants a man that cannot handle his business (Exactly)?  But what I mean is when it all first started for me, my mom could even tell a difference in my swag and would often curse me out and tell me to get myself together because all I could think about was one thing (the next time it was going down).  After this experience, I gave myself a preset number and a display of different women I wanted to encounter before I would so call settle down.
Well my homie, he is the total opposite.  Could care less about a woman, respect, well you’ll get respect from him, but that’s gone be about it.  The question of respect comes to differ when you think of how he deals with the women that he encounters.  However, it’s a well-known fact that he makes it obvious when conversing with the opposite sex. 

The homie is always straight forward and if anyone implements the 90-hour rule that I made up against Steve Harvey’s “90-Day Rule” it would be him.  I mean literally, 30 minute drive to a destination, 30 minutes at the destination, and 30 minutes driving back to the crib to heat things up, you feel me (lol)?

I have never met someone that doesn’t believe in love or even believe that it exists.  Never wants to be married or consider himself a candidate for the particular subject.  “Player player til the day I die” is his motto.

Now I know that I have stated that this is my homie and I should very well know if he has been significantly hurt or not.  The truth be told, I honestly do not.  But my dog has no insight of what love really is.  I think this is the major factor in which eliminates the possibility of him being exposed to love. 
As a man I think he has a guard that will not allow anyone to penetrate it.  Like all men, has probably encountered numerous wives, but has yet to discover the undiscovered because of “himself”. 

I can’t be against the way you are or the way that you want to be.  I mean, you may be exactly what some women want.  Honest, direct, and that is all that it is (lol).  But mentally and spiritually you have to want more for yourself at some point in time.

As hard as you claim to be, it’s apparent that you don’t want to endure pain and hurt at the hand of a woman and truthfully what man does.  However, how will we grow and involve into men if we don’t experience the things that form us into “MEN”. 

I stated previously this week, well yesterday, that a preacher said in his sermon that it is easy to be a player.  Managing different women at different times is not a hard task.  On the other hand, the hard part of that is managing one woman, with all the other women still available and coming at you.  This will truly determine what kind of man you are.
Again, to my audience and readers, especially my dogs out there that are reading my post.  Know that I am not condoning against doing your thing.  I believe that this is a stage that all men must go through when learning to be a man.  Some of us just tap earlier than others.  But at the end of the day, when you sitting alone at the crib, what really matters (that’s another posting)?

So in conclusion, live life to the fullest.  You make your decisions and moves as you see fit.  Player, comforter, gigolo, notice that I did not say “gay”, do your thing.  Just know there comes a time when we must all tap and give our inner self to that one only other person that we see fit. Allow that one person to penetrate different avenues of yourself/your life that you never thought existed.  If you do this and only when you do this, you will feel what love really feels like.  Then again, if you’re that person that is scared that things may never be that way or you simply wish to steer away from that feeling, then hey what do I know?  Until the next time people, do you, have fun, and live life.


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