Monday, April 23, 2012

The Public Apology (Female Version)

When evolving and going through adolescence are apologies still due to the people in which get their feelings hurt when learning life lessons? Truthfully, this question may be extremely broad, but people change like the weather even when you think that you know them. These public apology I know that my audience can relate in some kind of way, no matter what side of the stick you are on, so check them out (these names are made up, but all apologies apply somewhere within my life).

On behalf of men, let me just put a couple things out there. To Keisha, I'm sorry for not being who I knew I could be. Growing up the way that I did, receiving no attention from girls, once this was upon me, I had to learn how to handle it in my own way.

To Zakiyah, God couldn't have sent me another young lady so early on in my life to show me what it really felt like to love someone and go the extra mile for them. I know that I posed a threat to all your boyfriends there after, but it was because I knew that them guys were not me. After you slept with my best friend of all guys you could have choose, I forgave you because I definitely had my dirt on my hands, but if things could have been different or changed, I'd be in Auburn right by your side.

To DeAnna, beautiful, intelligent, with ambitions that cannot be measured. The first lady to come into my life and not take no junk. You were the only one and made sure that it stayed that way. I fail short of your glory by allowing our communication to slowly decease. I apologize a thousand time because you were truly where I wanted to be.

To April, I'm sorry that I was not man enough for you. Fearless in the bedroom and smart enough to know what was what. You where the reason for me getting stuck in the Marine Corps for 4 years and thats what I have to thank you for. I apologize for the pain that you've endured over the years because your heart ponders about what could have been.

To LaTika, you made me forget about everything else that existed. The time spent with you was like a breathe of fresh air. When I was with you, the sky was the limit. I apologize for not knowing my place which was by your side. I apologize for not realizing what I had, there is not a day that passes that I don't wonder where we would be if I was able to hold my own.

To Katrina, I'm sorry that you were lost without a clue as too what you wanted to do about me nor life. We definitely had good times though. However, I do apologize for the way that things ended up.

To Racky, you are a complete woman and I mean W-O-M-A-N. Any guy would treasure the moments in which he has with you if he honestly knew what he had. I apologize for not realizing a whole lot earlier that I needed to make a move.

To Le Le, I'm smiling right now writing this entry because you believed in me. You gave me the benefit of the doubt when all odds were against me. I'm simply saying I'm sorry because I wouldn't commit. Even though you pulled a flaw ass move with the Kappa that was honestly my arch revival/enemy, I still got made love for you and I'm sorry.

To Aj, I honestly thought that if the opportunity would have presented itself that you would have made me an happy man. I apologize for coming at you knowing that I could not capitalize giving that you decided that I was what you wanted to do. Looking at you always made me smile and wonder. Your uniques in beauty and skin tone was dazzling. I simply want to apologize because of how things ended and how we decided to treat each other.

To Sha, where do I begin? You free'd me!! Brought me from the darkness into the light to show me another aspect of life. Took my broken heart and mended it with inspiration and love. Accepted me for who I was when it was evident that I was not good enough. I apologize for taking you and your love for granted. I apologize for every tear that ever fell from your face because of something that I did that proved itself to be true. I know that you are a good fearing women so you see fit to forgive me. But I apologize from the bottom of my heart, because you actually saved me.

This posting may seem very weired and my audience may be like what the “you know what”. But these public apologize represent my growth. They represent that God believes in his children and he doesn't give up on us. God had blessed me a number of times with wives and honest women that could have me more than happy right now. However, just as I have fail short of their glory, I have definitely fail short of his.

A preacher guy once told me when consulting him about wives and happiness that there is not just one person made for you in this world. You simply have to have trust and faith in God that he will make that person for you. Sometimes we start something and it doesn't end, because its not time for it end. Just a time-out sessions to point something out to you that you really need to see or consider.

So to my audience, remember that we have to realize that all things happen for a particular reason. Especially when considering a love one. We all go through relationships like they are clothes and shoes and some of them are meant for particular reasons. Whichever those reason are, just realize the positives about it versus negative. Happiness is always just around the corner.


Think Like A Man

The most random things cause the most random feelings.  The craziest things make people do the most idiotic things.

Throughout watching the movie “Think Like a Man” I proceeded to keep my mindset in one particular point-of-view.  However, it seemed as if I would be enlighten myself as well as allowing my brain to evolve a little to let some different things sink in. 

I have personally not read Steve Harvey’s Book in which this film originated from.  And as most critics would review, one should definitely read the book before viewing the film. 

Well audience, I went into the movie looking at Steve Harvey as a sell-out to men.  I honestly believe that as men there are things in which should stay amongst men.  For everybody thus far that is reading this and is already disagreeing.  Just think about it this way.  How many of these Lil’ young cats or men in general you know that take their woman to the barbershop with them?  I mean Steve did point out that we (men) want something to show off (trophy), but fellows you have to believe that there is a time and place for everything.  The barbershop is the men’s sanction, a place in which we go to talk about things that we don’t care to talk about around women.  Though a lot of Steve’s points-made throughout this film were pretty much common sense for a mature woman.  Hearing these things of this nature coming from another man was just kind of disturbing.  I mean look at it like this, how many of you guys that are making this mistake are going to the beauty salon with your woman?  Exactly, none!

Now I think it’s only right to say that I am a big fan of Steve and will always be.  I mean I listened to his radio show for 3 years straight (and honestly if I could figure out how to keep listening to it now, then I would).   The same radio station in which told me his real reasons for writing his book.  Steve told the world that he had a daughter and she was the inspiration to make sure that he taught her how to keep all the dogs away, because that’s daddy Lil girl.  Ok America, what person (or critic) can tell a father that he is wrong for whatever system he decides to use to protect his daughter?  None!!  However, at the exposure of what? Man, Steve use to have a line-up that couldn’t nobody even figure out why it looked the way it did, with swag and a suit, can’t nobody tell me he wasn’t doing his thug-thizzle….lol.  Am I attempting to justify treating women as if they are nothing or not worthy of love and affection and happiness and honesty because a guy wants to be a typical growing guy, No!  But relationships are here to teach and grow everyone that goes through them.  Taking the dogs and man whores completely out of the game would be eliminating a key party of the food chain.  Throughout all relationships and companionships there must be something to allow us to learn so that we know exactly when we have received the real things.  Like Steve said, “the women that already has a child/children and wants to wait 6 months before exposing her kid/kids to her new friend.  What if your friend doesn’t like your kids after being introduced, now you’ve just wasted 6 months for nothing?”  Typical guys are the same way; they’re needed, so for the brothers that is still going through their pimping stage, “pimp on brother”. 
Though the man-code was definitely violated, this film opened up my eyes because of the feedback in which came from everyone in the theater.  For instance, a lot of the situations from this film are pretty much common sense. Matter of fact, Steve should have just told the women of the world, “if you don’t have the common sense for yourself to analyze a situation and make sure that a brother understands your worth”, then you deserve to get dogged out.

Like that “90-Day Rule”, I don’t think in my little twenty-seven years of living and twelve years of so-called having sex that I have ever waited three months for sex.  Well hold on let me take that back.  My ex-girlfriend made me wait about that long.  Matter of fact, she took everything that I’ve taught her and is applying it to Steve’s frat brother nowadays.  And my ass in still alone without anything close to being a wife…cause she using the "Think Like a Man (Chestnut Version)" on someone right now. 

I do like the “90-Minute Rule” though, 30 minutes at the movies, 30 minutes at dinner and then 30-minutes driving back to the house…lol.  I think this makes a lot more since than waiting 90 days just to get laid.  What if you do wait 3 months and then it ain’t bout nothing.  Once again you have put yourself in another bad situation, of waiting and prolonging for nothing.

Lastly, I know I’ve thrown Steve’s name and his views around as if he acting like he’s not a man.  But in all reality, he exemplifies what you become when you’re ready to grow up.  Not just from the ladies aspect of looking at us guys, but all around.  A relationship will not be complete without two understanding people that share some type of passion. Changing this and that just to get laid, means changing and swapping number in the next couple of months, to get rid of a problem that just won’t leave you alone.

Fellows, I’ve definitely had my fun and I will not tell you to go one way when I have lived another.  I’d simply say be careful and know what you want when it’s all said and done.

To the homie Steve Harvey, great movie, to the audience, live life to the fullest, but learn how to really love and respect someone while doing so, and until the next time people, keep it real, it’s the only way to be.



My Ideas

Though I know many people would probably agree and disagree that if they were able to carry out half of the things in which they try in life that they would probably be millionaires. Well I'm here to say that my dream may soon come true. A lot of people laughed when I told them that one day I'd be very wealthy, but as a smell the taste of success, I just thank God for the opportunity in which he has provided for me. Therefore, everything in which I have ever dreamed or had a vision of doing, it will come into play. All my mentoring programs, giving back to my home community (Evergreen, Al), the entertainment lifestyle in which I oh so much want to be involved in. I'm telling you its about to pop off. So my message to anyone that reads this blog..."Don't let your critics or so-called friends dictate what and how you do things in your life, for they are the ones that will hold you back. Good luck to all your future endeavors.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Random Women in 2012

What ever happened to the girl from next door that all she wanted to do was see you and you would simply sneak through her window when her parents went to sleep?  Or the girl that you walked to class and exchange letters with in between those classes?  I remember back in the days when we would just sit on the phone and not even say nothing, just hold the phone, I guess listening to each other breathe.

Nowadays, its this and its that, mainly drama.  Women have become so indecisive that they don't even know if they are coming or going.  One week you want this, the next week you want that, man, half of you all can't even cook a descent meal.  In all honesty, what have times came too?

Your under the impression that all men or dogs and don't amount to nothing.  Just trying to find a half way descent one to keep you happy 70% of the time and be miserable for the other 30.  Supposedly expose to what you think the finer things in life are, so your left clueless about what a real man should look or feel like, no wonder women are turning to women, and righteously, that shyt crazy.

I'm caught in a twilight of trying to cypher between what real women really want.  I mean you can pull the typical hoodrat that thank she the hottest thing on the block with a couple meals, some shoes, and a hair-do or two.  If you know like I know, that's only gone last for a hot-second.  The "Terri Miles" that are so damn caught up in there careers that they don't even know what love or having a companion is anymore.  For the record, I would like to state that there is nothing wrong with this, but man and woman were created for each other ladies.  Don't get so caught up in your career that you forget the purpose of life.  We are here to pursue happiness and share that happiness with someone.  And then you have the typical chic, the one that choices to expose herself like she a "man".  Look, again for the record, there are things in which men and do and women can't.  After its all said and done ladies, you know exactly what I'm getting at, the man will come out on top every time if you try to contend in this particular category (laying up all the damn time).

Well ladies let me enlighten you on a thing or two.  Your p***y is no longer the main objective of a relationship, rather it be random, casual, or real.  We as men would like to acknowledge that the tables have turned for you just like they have turned for us.  Shid, we want a women with a job and some kind of benefits too, not to mention good credit.  What about attempting to do something that will sweep us off our feet and have us saying, damn??!!  I mean I'm just saying.  Realize a larger scale of things because we are not here forever.  Enjoy your life, stop allowing yourselves to be the status quo, because no matte how hard some of you try, that's the category in which you fall under.

So for those of you in which read this post, just know that there are still good men out there wanting for good women, because the 2012 Random ones are already played out and old.  #OnToTheNext
