Monday, April 23, 2012

My Ideas

Though I know many people would probably agree and disagree that if they were able to carry out half of the things in which they try in life that they would probably be millionaires. Well I'm here to say that my dream may soon come true. A lot of people laughed when I told them that one day I'd be very wealthy, but as a smell the taste of success, I just thank God for the opportunity in which he has provided for me. Therefore, everything in which I have ever dreamed or had a vision of doing, it will come into play. All my mentoring programs, giving back to my home community (Evergreen, Al), the entertainment lifestyle in which I oh so much want to be involved in. I'm telling you its about to pop off. So my message to anyone that reads this blog..."Don't let your critics or so-called friends dictate what and how you do things in your life, for they are the ones that will hold you back. Good luck to all your future endeavors.


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