Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Random Women in 2012

What ever happened to the girl from next door that all she wanted to do was see you and you would simply sneak through her window when her parents went to sleep?  Or the girl that you walked to class and exchange letters with in between those classes?  I remember back in the days when we would just sit on the phone and not even say nothing, just hold the phone, I guess listening to each other breathe.

Nowadays, its this and its that, mainly drama.  Women have become so indecisive that they don't even know if they are coming or going.  One week you want this, the next week you want that, man, half of you all can't even cook a descent meal.  In all honesty, what have times came too?

Your under the impression that all men or dogs and don't amount to nothing.  Just trying to find a half way descent one to keep you happy 70% of the time and be miserable for the other 30.  Supposedly expose to what you think the finer things in life are, so your left clueless about what a real man should look or feel like, no wonder women are turning to women, and righteously, that shyt crazy.

I'm caught in a twilight of trying to cypher between what real women really want.  I mean you can pull the typical hoodrat that thank she the hottest thing on the block with a couple meals, some shoes, and a hair-do or two.  If you know like I know, that's only gone last for a hot-second.  The "Terri Miles" that are so damn caught up in there careers that they don't even know what love or having a companion is anymore.  For the record, I would like to state that there is nothing wrong with this, but man and woman were created for each other ladies.  Don't get so caught up in your career that you forget the purpose of life.  We are here to pursue happiness and share that happiness with someone.  And then you have the typical chic, the one that choices to expose herself like she a "man".  Look, again for the record, there are things in which men and do and women can't.  After its all said and done ladies, you know exactly what I'm getting at, the man will come out on top every time if you try to contend in this particular category (laying up all the damn time).

Well ladies let me enlighten you on a thing or two.  Your p***y is no longer the main objective of a relationship, rather it be random, casual, or real.  We as men would like to acknowledge that the tables have turned for you just like they have turned for us.  Shid, we want a women with a job and some kind of benefits too, not to mention good credit.  What about attempting to do something that will sweep us off our feet and have us saying, damn??!!  I mean I'm just saying.  Realize a larger scale of things because we are not here forever.  Enjoy your life, stop allowing yourselves to be the status quo, because no matte how hard some of you try, that's the category in which you fall under.

So for those of you in which read this post, just know that there are still good men out there wanting for good women, because the 2012 Random ones are already played out and old.  #OnToTheNext


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